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Royal Car Rental Group in Dubai
With more than 3 years of operating within Dubai and UAE, we here at Royal Car Rental Group are proud to be recognized as one of the most reliable and reputable car rental companies in the UAE market. We are entirely committed to creating a fully-customized service, whether it is for an individual or a company.
At Royal Car Rental Group in Dubai, we are committed to helping our customers get the right rental car or vehicle for their travel activities. We offer a strictly reliable and hassle-free car rental booking process without hidden costs.
Why choose us?
The answer to this question is easy: we are the best, most reliable, fastest, and fairest car rental agency in Dubai and UAE. At Royal Car Rental Group in Dubai, we promise our customers a hassle-free and quick car rental process with minimal to zero complications involved. We also guarantee free and comfortable booking processes, affordable rental prices, and secure online payment channels. In short, with Royal Car Rental Group in Dubai, your vehicle rental requirements are in safe hands.
If you book a car in our agency, we promise:
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Our fleet, products, and services
At Royal Car Rental Group, we are proud of our rental fleet, amongst the newest and best-maintained in the UAE car rental market. Our fleet is currently composed of a large selection of new vehicles with manual or automatic transmissions. In our fleet, you can also find SUVs, vans, crossovers, sports, and expensive luxury cars. All cars and vehicles from our fleet are new and regularly maintained. Also, all our vehicles are fully insured, 100% safe, and technically correct.
We are proud of ourselves for the quality of services and the friendly and fast service we provide. We strive to deliver prompt customer response on any inquiry we receive and to deliver booked cars or vehicles to asked locations in Dubai and UAE.
We offer the following services:
Car rental prices
Prices of car rental services range from 75 AED/day. Rental prices depend on the season and the discount we offer.
Other Services
In addition to the standard car and vehicle rental services, you can also use our limo transfer services with professional drivers.
How to book a car or vehicle?
Please, use the following links to book a car or any other vehicle:
Welcome to the Royal Car Rental Group in Dubai.
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Selidbe Beograd
Firma Royal selidbe Beograd posluje više od 12 godina na teritoriji Srbije i EU. Bavimo se organizacijom svih vrsta selidbi kamionom i kombijem. Selidbe uglavnom radimo u Beogradu, li i ostalim gradovima u Srbiji.
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Selidbe kamionom i kombijem
Royal selidbe Beograd nudi sledeće tipove usluga:
Kako da nas kontaktirate?
Zanimaju vas naše usluge ili imate dodatno pitanje za nas? Posetite naš sajt SELIDBE BEOGRAD.
O nama
Booom! rent a car aerodrom Beograd je deo grupacije Royal Car Rental Group. Naša rent a car agencija posluje na srpskom i svetskom tržištu više od 3 godine. Sva vozila iz našeg voznog parka su nova i redovno održavana. Takođe, sva naša vozila su kasko osigurana, 100% sigurna i tehnički ispravna.
Booom! rent a car aerodrom Beograd nudi veliki izbor novih vozila sa manuelnim ili automatskim menjačem. U našem voznom parku možete takođe pronaći skupocene sportske i luksuzne automobile. Iznajmljeno vozilo ili automobil možete preuzeti bez plaćanja depozita na aerodromu Nikola Tesla ili u bilo kom delu Beograda.
Naše usluge
Booom rent a car Beograd nudi iznajmljivanje automobila, kombija, džipova, minivanova, SUV i luksuznih vozila. Iznajmljivanje vozila se obavlja bez plaćanja depozita za poznate korisnike naših usluga. Dnevna kilometraža u lokalu (na području Beograda) je neograničena. Svako rent a car vozilo je kasko osigurano od svake vrste štete.
Pored standardnog rentiranja vozila kod nas možete da koristite i usluge transfera sa profesionalnim vozačem, rentiranje luksuznih vozila, autobusa, mini buseva, kombija i limuzina.
Rezervaciju rent a car vozila možete obaviti preko web stranice BOOOM RENT A CAR AERODOM BEOGRAD
Dobro došli u Booom! rent a car aerodrom Beograd.
O nama
Eurorent rent a car Beograd je deo grupacije Royal Car Rental Group. Naša rent a car agencija posluje na srpskom i svetskom tržištu više od 4 godine. Sva vozila iz našeg voznog parka su nova i redovno održavana. Takođe, sva naša vozila sufull kasko osigurana, 100% sigurna i tehnički ispravna.
Eurorent rent a car Beograd nudi veliki izbor novih vozila sa automatskim ili manuelnim menjačem. U našem voznom parku možete takođe pronaći sportske, luksuzne i električne Tesla automobile. Iznajmljeno vozilo ili automobil možete preuzeti bez plaćanja depozita na aerodromu Nikola Tesla ili u bilo kom delu Beograda.
Naše usluge
Eurorent rent a car Beograd nudi iznajmljivanje automobila, kombija, minivanova, SUV i luksuznih vozila. Iznajmljivanje vozila se obavlja bez plaćanja depozita za poznate korisnike naših usluga. Dnevna kilometraža u lokalu (na području Beograda) je neograničena. Svako rent a car vozilo je kasko osigurano od svake vrste štete pa čak i krađe. Obaveza korisnika je da za svaku štetu ima međunarodni ili policijski zapisnik.
Pored standardnog rentiranja vozila kod nas možete da koristite i usluge transfera sa profesionalnim vozačem, rentiranje luksuznih vozila, autobusa, mini buseva, kombija i limuzina.
Rezervaciju rent a car vozila možete obaviti preko web stranice EURORENT RENT A CAR BEOGRAD
Dobro došli u Eent a car Beograd Eurorent.
Agencija Studio 77 je osnovana 2007. godine. Kvalitet rada, iskustvo i znanje omogućili su nam da sarađujemo sa više od 500 klijenata iz Srbije, Hrvatske, Slovenije, Bosne i Hercegovine, SAD, Kanade, Švajcarske, Norveške, Danske, Nemačke, Austrije, Kipra itd.
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